
CrySP Speaker Series on Privacy

CrySP hosts a Speaker Series on Privacy. See that page for a list of upcoming and past speakers.

Videos of talks hosted by CrySP

CrySP hosts talks from time to time. When video is available, it will be linked to from this page.

Monday, 12 July 2010: Tara Whalen, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Dr. Tara Whalen from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada gave a talk entitled "Technology and Privacy: A Short Tour through an Emerging Landscape". In this talk, she described some of the technological issues that the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has been tracking recently, and speculate on some emerging areas that could give rise to privacy concerns in the near future.

The video of this talk is available in mp4, wmv and flv formats.

Monday, 29 September 2008: Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian

Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner, spoke at UW on 29 September 2008 about Transformative Technologies. She advocated embedding privacy into technology at design time, in a way that is "positive sum"; that is, in a way that simultaneously meets privacy goals as well as whatever other goals, such as security, authentication, surveillance, or functionality, may be desired.

The video of this talk is available in wmv and mp4 formats.