Reserving a topic: To prevent running the risk of having someone else publish the same blog post before you, you can reserve a topic for 24 hours. To reserve a topic, make a blog post whose title includes "RESERVATION: " and a brief description of the incident. Give a link to the incident in the blog post. You must make your actual blog post in a separate blog post within 24 hours of your reservation. After 24 hours, your reservation expires and somebody else can reserve the topic. You cannot renew your expired reservation.
Post and comment timing: Comments and blog posts that are not made in the weeklong time frame (see step 1 above) will not be marked for that week. This includes any blog posts or comments made even a minute after the deadline as those comments will be considered as being in the week after. Complete the blog posts and comments in advance of the deadline.
Comment grading: The points for the best of four comments, across different blog posts, will be summed up to form your comment marks. If you make multiple followup posts to the same blog, the best comment will count towards one of the four comments above.
If you have questions about the blog task, please post them to Piazza, visible only to instructors if necessary.
Note that not all items in the above sources are related to computer security or privacy; you are responsible for selecting an appropriate topic. You are also welcome to consider other sources of information.