Paper links:
P. Dodia, M. Al Sabah, O. Alrawi, T. Wang. Tor-based Malware Detection using Traffic Analysis (to be uploaded). CCS 2022.
J. Gong, W. Zhang, C. Zhang, T. Wang. Surakav: Generating Realistic Traces for a Strong Website Fingerprinting Defense. IEEE S&P 2022.
- Links to implementation found in paper.
T. Wang. The One-Page Setting: A Higher Standard for Evaluating Website Fingerprinting Defenses. CCS 2021.
- Data set used in this paper
- Some code used in this paper
- Code is fairly simple to reproduce as we are only changing the attacks/defenses to work on the one-page setting (2 classes instead of 101). The files are attacks configured to produce results for the one-page setting. The pre-* files are for the three scenarios.
J. Gong and T. Wang. Zero-Delay Defenses for Website Fingerprinting. USENIX 2020.
- Data set used in this paper (same as the CCS 2021 paper)
- GitHub link for code
- Work on creating a pluggable transport for FRONT & Glue is underway.
T. Wang. High Precision Open-World Website Fingerprinting. IEEE S&P 2020.
- GitHub link for code
- Confidence-based precision optimizers use score/confidence output from attacks. All attacks in my WF repository are configured to produce score/confidence.
T. Wang. Designing a Better Browser for Tor with BLAST. NDSS 2020.
T. Wang and I. Goldberg. Walkie-Talkie: An Effective and Efficient Defense for Website Fingerprinting. USENIX 2017.
T. Wang and I. Goldberg. On Realistically Attacking Tor with Website Fingerprinting DL. PETS 2016.
X. Cai, R. Nithyanand, T. Wang, R. Johnson and I. Goldberg. A Systematic Approach to Developing and Evaluating Website Fingerprinting Defenses. CCS 2014.
T. Wang, X. Cai, R. Nithyanand, R. Johnson and I. Goldberg. Effective Attacks and Provable Defenses for Website Fingerprinting. USENIX 2014.
T. Wang and I. Goldberg. Improved Website Fingerprinting on Tor. WPES 2013.
When browsing the web, many users would prefer to have privacy. Clients who wish to avoid behavorial marketing, tracking and surveillance could use an anonymizing proxy service such as Tor. Tor, however, is susceptible to website fingerprinting, wherein a local, passive adversary (such as your ISP or those who have access to your ISP's data) can identify a user's behavior according to patterns in their packet sequences.
Repository of implemented attacks (ZIP). Includes notes to explain the attacks. Note that some are based on other authors' works.
Repository of implemented defenses (ZIP). Includes notes to explain the defenses. Note that some are based on other authors' works.
Repository of data. Includes notes to explain the data. Most files are large.
ZIP containing code for the PETS 2016 work. 900MB.