Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get more information?
Please send an email to
How to post a Facebook Wall message using FaceCloak?
- Click inside the Facebook Wall textarea.
- Wait until the page is refreshed. The plug-in has to restore the original Facebook page
with fake information, since the replacement with real information breaks the
functionality of the submit button.
- Type "@@" in the textarea, and enter real information after "@@".
- Press the submit button. The plug-in will then fetch some text from
Wikipedia to be used as fake text.
- If necessary, do a little change to the fake text in the textarea to
make it readable.
- Press the submit button again to send the fake text to the FaceCloak
server. NOTE: For testing purpose, an alert box will pop up to inform you that
real information has been sent to the third party sever.
- Press the submit button again to send fake information to Facebook.
- Click any area outside the textarea. The page will be refreshed
again and fake information will be replaced with real information.
How to edit user profile using FaceCloak
- Click on the "Edit Information" link on the info page of your
- Wait until the page is refreshed. The plug-in has to restore the original Facebook page
with fake information, since the replacement with real information breaks the
functionality of the "Edit Information" link.
- Click the "Edit Information" link again.
- Finish editing. Click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the
form. NOTE: for testing purpose, an alert box will pop up to inform you that
real information has been sent to the third party sever.
- Click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the form again.
- Click the "Done Editing" button at the right top corner of the form.
How to manage friends' contact list
- Receive your friends' emails about their key information.
- Copy the key information as instructed in the email.
- Goto the toolbar of your Firefox browser window, and put the cursor on
Facecloak, and then click "manage contact list".
- Click the "Show Contact List For My Friends" button.
- Paste the information you just copied into the textarea, one line per person.
- Click "Save Contact List For My Friends" button.
- Click "Close" button.
How to restart FaceCloak
Sometimes, things do go wrong, and the page will stop replacing the fake
information. In this case, you need to restart FaceCloak. Click on the
"Facebook Plugin" label at the right bottom corner of the browser window.
How to set up your own FaceCloak Server
To set up your own FaceCloak server, you need to download the source
code of the server and follow the instructions in the README file. Finally,
you need to change line 20 of the getPutData.js file in the source code
of the Firefox extension to the URL of your own server.