CS 798—Privacy in Computation and Communication—Spring 2024 Schedule

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DateAdditional resources / notes
Module 1 (Slides)
What is Privacy?
May 6 Video
Solove, 'I've Got Nothing to Hide' and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy, 2007
Module 2 (Slides)
May 8 Video
McCullagh, How Pakistan knocked YouTube offline (and how to make sure it never happens again), 2008
May 13 Video
May 15 Video
May 16 Assignment 0 due
Module 3 (Slides)
Privacy in Computation: Distributed Trust
May 20 Victoria Day: no class
May 21 Class on Tuesday (Victoria Day makeup)
May 22 Video
May 27 Video
Devet et al., Optimally Robust Private Information Retrieval, 2012
May 27 Assignment 1 due
May 29 Video
Jun 3 Video
Drijvers et al., On the Security of Two-Round Multi-Signatures, 2019
Komlo and Goldberg, FROST: Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures, 2020
Module 4 (Slides)
Privacy in Computation: Trusted Hardware
Jun 5 Video
Jun 10 Video
Sasy et al., Fast Fully Oblivious Compaction and Shuffling, 2022
Jun 12 Video
Sasy et al., Waks-On/Waks-Off: Fast Oblivious Offline/Online Shuffling and Sorting with Waksman Networks, 2023
Stefanov et al., Path ORAM: An Extremely Simple Oblivious RAM Protocol, 2018
Module 5 (Slides)
Privacy in Computation: Homomorphic Encryption
Jun 17 Video
Jun 19 Video
Jun 20 Assignment 2 due
Jun 24 Video
Akhavan Mahdavi and Kerschbaum, Constant-weight PIR: Single-round Keyword PIR via Constant-weight Equality Operators, 2022
Module 6 (Slides)
Privacy in Communication: Protecting Metadata
Jun 26 Video
Jul 1 Canada Day: no class
Jul 3 Video
Sasy and Goldberg, SoK: Metadata-Protecting Communication Systems, 2024
Kuhn et al., On Privacy Notions in Anonymous Communication, 2019
Jul 8 Video
Jul 10 Video
Jul 15 PETS: no class
Jul 17 PETS: no class
Jul 22 Assignment 3 due
Module 7
Jul 22
Jul 24
Jul 29
Aug 8 Assignment 4 due